Samples for DNA fragment analysis. Quantity and sample format submission
Fragment analysis on ABI 3130 DNA Analyzer could be performed only with DNA fragments labeled with one of the following fluorescent dyes: 6-FAM (blue), VIC (green), NED (yellow), PET (red). Labeled DNA fragments are obtained by PCR amplification where one of the PCR primers is 5’-labeled with one of the mentioned dyes. Usually 1µL of the PCR reaction is used for fragment analysis on the ABI 3130 DNA Analyzer without prior purification of the PCR product. During sample preparation DNA standards with known sizes labeled with the LIZ dye are added to the sample.
If the signal obtained from a sample is too strong (oversaturation), the sample is diluted and analyzed in a second run. JGC offers a second run analysis for 10% of the samples at a half price according to the fragment analysis service price list. Analyzing samples on a second run for more than 10% of the submitted samples is done totally at the client’s expense.
JGC accepts samples for fragment analysis with a volume of 10µL (i.e. 10µL of PCR reaction with a labeled primer).
Samples for fragment analysis could be submitted in 500µL or 200 µL PCR tubes or in a 96 well PCR plate.
Sample submission
1. Send the filled in JGC Fragment Analysis EN form together with the additional JGC Fragment Analysis Sample EN form for 96 well PCR plate sample submission to the email address: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it When a second run for some of the samples is necessary, the client has to fill in once more the JGC Fragment Analysis EN form, where the client has to indicate which of the samples have to be diluted and reanalyzed in a second run. In this case it is not necessary to submit the samples again.
2. Print out the form on a hard copy and sign it.
3. Close carefully the PCR tubes/ seal the PCR plate containing the samples and enclose them in a plastic bag.
4. Submit the samples in the plastic bag together with the filled in order form at the administration office of the JGC (8 Dragan Tsankov blvd., Sofia 1164, Bulgaria, tel. +359 2 8193983, fax +359 2 8193988)
Work time for sample submission
Monday-Friday except official holidays
9:00 to 12:00 and 13:00 to 17:30
5. Samples could be sent via courier with clearly filled in form to the following address:
Joint Genomic Centre Sequencing service
8 Dragan Tsankov blvd.
Sofia 1164
The client is responsible for the secure delivery of the samples and the delivery charges JGC will notify the client at the same day when samples are received.