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The first key step for the JGC is to establish sustainable relationship with Bulgarian industry based on the quality and affordability of the services. In the long term our goal is to establish partnership leading to shared Intellectual Properties, ‘know how’ and mutual research and funding.

Fig. 2 Schematic presentation of the Interactions between JGC, Governmental and Research Institutions, NGOs, Industry and Market

The main Principles of JGC are:

  • To play a catalyzing role in the establishment of networking and synergism between education, science and business by avoiding duplication and fragmentation on a national and international level.
  • To ensure:
  • The utilization of high throughput methods, which would facilitate the innovative and interdisciplinary research process
  • Flexible structure that can rapidly respond to the changes in the research and the business
  • Efficient international scientific and business cooperation
  • Efficient technological transfer, proper implementation of the IPR principles.
  • To stimulate development of new products, which are based on the unique Bulgarian biodiversity and therefore to address the needs of the niche market.
  • To facilitate the cooperation among ministries, NSF, the Innovation Fund etc. at the state level.
  • To participate efficiently in the EC programs and networks (ERA NET), Technology Platforms (TP) etc.
  • To help the creation of spin-off companies.
  • To participate in educational programs and other forms of training